Setting up permission in McMyAdmin with groupmanager

Solution 1:

My issue was somewhat different, as my server was running forge, and forge and bukkit do not play well together, however this is what solved my issue.

  • I installed MCPC+, because it allows Forge and Bukkit to play nicely together. This probably wont be necessary if your only running Bukkit.
  • I installed the appropriate plugins using my MyMcAdmin Interface. It is important that you make sure you have the appropriate plugin versions to match your Minecraft version, for example the OP mentions he has the plugin Permissions installed, which is outdated and conflicts with Group Manager.
  • I set MyMcAdmin to output it's permissions to Group Manager
  • I created my Groups. This is another key point as there are many rules to follow or else MyMcAdmin and Group Manager don't wont play nicely.
    • You should have only one default group, it should inherit its permissions from none, and this group should have only one player in it, named "*". No other group may inherit its permissions from none, or have "*" in its Players column.
    • Each other group should inherit is permissions from whatever appropriate group you choose.
    • Every group should have its world specified in your World column.
    • Group names cannot have spaces or special characters in them.
    • Permissions should only show up in one group at a time, if multiple groups are intended to share permissions the inherit feature should be used.
  • If your world has multiple dimensions some config modification may be necessary to transfer permissions to all the appropriate dimensions. (IE: The Nether, The End, Myscraft Worlds, Dimensional Doors Pocket Dimensions, ect.) Further information on how to do that may be found here.

Hope this helps.