hibernate:Warning: Tuxonice binary signature file not found

I am a newbie with Ubuntu and running a dual boot with windows 10 and ubuntu 18, i tried installing hibernate by doing

"apt-get install hibernate"

but when i try

sudo hibernate

the screen goes off for a few seconds then i get the following error

hibernate:Warning: Tuxonice binary signature file not found.

I can only say that this warning doesn't necessary mean that hibernation will not succeed. For me hibernation works even though the warning is displayed. Why it doesn't work in Your case may be a matter of other issues. For example, if I'm not wrong, it may be connected with size of Your SWAP partition (if nothing changed in the meantime, it is recommended to be a size of You RAM memory I believe) or GRUB configuration (boot options).

For the start I would recommend trying some other programs like pm-hibernate. If I were You, I would also check out this question: Hibernation in 18.04 (which seems to contain solution in the answer, hmm...) or this one: How can I hibernate on Ubuntu 16.04? and try to search for more if needed.

And, by the way, I believe it does not really have much to do with dual booting.