Warnings in kubeadm after migrating from docker to containerd

Solution 1:

Although this was downvoted, in the event that someone has the same issue and feels as lost as I was, I hope google will lead you here :)

  • kubeadm was trying to use docker based on the node's configuration and not the kubelet's configuration, and I didn't change the nodes' config when migrating to containerd (as I was not aware it was set at that level). Fix with:

    kubectl annotate node $node --overwrite kubeadm.alpha.kubernetes.io/cri-socket=unix:///run/containerd/containerd.sock

    for each node. Found this here

  • The cgroupDriver warning is a bug in kubeadm that probably won't be fixed because the whole check is going away soon. So it can be ignored (if your kubelet's conf really sets the cgrouDriver).