Google Earth Pro on 18.01.1 not opening GPX files

I'm having a problem where Google Earth Pro is unable to open a GPX file, i.e. a file from my GPS unit. It can open KML/KMZ files without issue. I'm running the latest updates on 18.01.1 and the latest Google Earth Pro at (64-bit). Why am I posting this here? Because I think it's a problem with something since 17.10. I have no problem opening a GPX file on my Mac (test point 1). I have no problem opening a GPX file in a virtual 16.04.4 (test point 2). I'm not able to open a GPX file on multiple 18.01.1 machines.

There are no errors and no messages if I start from the command line. It's like it's not even recognizing the file at all, i.e. no movement to focus on the GPS track.

A GPX file is XML. Has there been a change to a library that Google Earth is using that might be causing this annoyance? How can I diagnose or debug this problem?

I have found a solution. In general, you call the script /opt/google/earth/pro/googleearth, which sets up library paths. By calling just the ELF, googleearth-bin, opens the GPX without issue.

I'm not sure if it's solved, but it's solved to my satisfaction.