How do production web applications make backups? [closed]


  • They do not use control panels. Seriously. Those are for small retail.
  • They do NOT back up anything of the web app - and they are designed with backup in mind.

The last is important. Unless you run a photo app or something where people upload documents - there is basically only the database to back up. What about the web app? That one lives as code in a repository with automatic deployment scripts, there is zero sense in backing that one up.

Generally backups are something handled with and through whoever is admin of the servers (i.e. the hoster). MS for example offers this as service that you can trigger, no need to copy anything local (and they copy on 3 data centers for safety like fire). Your access is slow, non scalable etc.

Hot backups seem pointless as they cannot be trusted to not be corrupt.

Professional databases are designed with hot backup in mind, down to the last transaction or backing up ONLY the changed transactions. If your db is not -> here you go, you chose it, you live with it.