Difference between US QWERTY and International QWERTY Apple keyboards?
The most important differences are the size and position of the Enter/Return, and a few differences in the layout. The ~
key and the \
key have an entirely different position on both keyboards. Also, the US keyboard has no €
label (although it can be entered: Alt+Shift+2).
The International keyboard (‘keyboard type’ = ISO) also has one more key than the US keyboard (‘keyboard type’ = ANSI). Some Apple keyboard layouts use that key for essential characters, and this can cause problems for users with only the US keyboard.
Below is a high-quality visual comparison.
US QWERTY Apple keyboard:
EN International Apple keyboard:
Latest version from the official Apple website:
QWERTY - International & QWERTY - US
The link below is to the overview of all keyboard layouts that Apple provides. Might be useful.
Link: https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT201794