Convert std::tuple to std::array C++11

Solution 1:

Converting a tuple to an array without making use of recursion, including use of perfect-forwarding (useful for move-only types):

#include <iostream>
#include <tuple>
#include <array>

template<int... Indices>
struct indices {
    using next = indices<Indices..., sizeof...(Indices)>;

template<int Size>
struct build_indices {
    using type = typename build_indices<Size - 1>::type::next;

struct build_indices<0> {
    using type = indices<>;

template<typename T>
using Bare = typename std::remove_cv<typename std::remove_reference<T>::type>::type;

template<typename Tuple>
typename build_indices<std::tuple_size<Bare<Tuple>>::value>::type
{ return {}; }

template<typename Tuple, int... Indices>
  typename std::tuple_element<0, Bare<Tuple>>::type,
to_array(Tuple&& tuple, indices<Indices...>)
    using std::get;
    return {{ get<Indices>(std::forward<Tuple>(tuple))... }};

template<typename Tuple>
auto to_array(Tuple&& tuple)
-> decltype( to_array(std::declval<Tuple>(), make_indices<Tuple>()) )
    return to_array(std::forward<Tuple>(tuple), make_indices<Tuple>());

int main() {
  std::tuple<double, double, double> tup(1.5, 2.5, 4.5);
  auto arr = to_array(tup);
  for (double x : arr)
    std::cout << x << " ";
  std::cout << std::endl;
  return 0;

Solution 2:

The C++17 solution is a short one:

template<typename tuple_t>
constexpr auto get_array_from_tuple(tuple_t&& tuple)
    constexpr auto get_array = [](auto&& ... x){ return std::array{std::forward<decltype(x)>(x) ... }; };
    return std::apply(get_array, std::forward<tuple_t>(tuple));

Use it as

auto tup = std::make_tuple(1.0,2.0,3.0);
auto arr = get_array_from_tuple(tup);

EDIT: forgot to sprinkle constexpr anywhere :-)

Solution 3:

You can do it non-recursively:

#include <array>
#include <tuple>
#include <redi/index_tuple.h>  // see below

template<typename T, typename... U>
  using Array = std::array<T, 1+sizeof...(U)>;

template<typename T, typename... U, unsigned... I>
  inline Array<T, U...>
  tuple_to_array2(const std::tuple<T, U...>& t, redi::index_tuple<I...>)
    return Array<T, U...>{ std::get<I>(t)... };

template<typename T, typename... U>
  inline Array<T, U...>
  tuple_to_array(const std::tuple<T, U...>& t)
    using IndexTuple = typename redi::make_index_tuple<1+sizeof...(U)>::type;
    return tuple_to_array2(t, IndexTuple());

See for my implementation of index_tuple, something like that is useful for working with tuples and similar variadic templates. A similar utility was standardised as std::index_sequence in C++14 (see index_seq.h for a standalone C++11 implementation).

Solution 4:

I would return the array instead of populating it by reference, so that auto can be used to make the callsite cleaner:

template<typename First, typename... Rem>
std::array<First, 1+sizeof...(Rem)>
fill_array_from_tuple(const std::tuple<First, Rem...>& t) {
  std::array<First, 1+sizeof...(Rem)> arr;
  ArrayFiller<First, decltype(t), 1+sizeof...(Rem)>::fill_array_from_tuple(t, arr);
  return arr;

// ...

std::tuple<double, double, double> tup(0.1, 0.2, 0.3);
auto arr = fill_array_from_tuple(tup);

Realistically, NRVO will eliminate most performance concerns.

Solution 5:

#include <iostream>
#include <tuple>
#include <array>

template<class First, class Tuple, std::size_t N, std::size_t K = N>
struct ArrayFiller {
  static void fill_array_from_tuple(const Tuple& t, std::array<First, N> & arr) {
    ArrayFiller<First, Tuple, N, K-1>::fill_array_from_tuple(t, arr);
    arr[K-1] = std::get<K-1>(t);

template<class First, class Tuple, std::size_t N>
struct ArrayFiller<First, Tuple, N, 1> {
  static void fill_array_from_tuple( const Tuple& t, std::array<First, N> & arr) {
    arr[0] = std::get<0>(t);

template<typename First, typename... Rem>
void fill_array_from_tuple(const std::tuple<First, Rem...>& t, std::array<First, 1+sizeof...(Rem)> & arr) {
  ArrayFiller<First, decltype(t), 1+sizeof...(Rem)>::fill_array_from_tuple(t, arr);

int main() {
  std::tuple<double, double, double> tup(0.1, 0.2, 0.3);
  std::array<double, 3> arr;
  fill_array_from_tuple(tup, arr);

  for (double x : arr)
    std::cout << x << " ";
  return 0;