Do items in Far Cry 3 become very expensive later on?

The answer is No, the prices of items stay the same throughout the game. However, there are some very expensive items available later in the game (the Signature Weapons), and I did find myself short of cash a few times when those weapons were unlocked.

By the mid-game, I was basically only spending money on 3 things (other than ammo refills):

  • Treasure maps
  • Weapon upgrades
  • Signature weapons

There is unlimited money available in the game, as long as you leave at least one enemy outpost uncaptured so that enemies will respawn, you can keep killing them over and over again.

Money is basically a non-necessity.

When you capture a Radio Tower, you are given access to several new weapons free of charge. Some specific weapons, as well as weapon mods, will cost you a small amount of money.

Money can be quickly made by selling plants, or loot from various slain enemies. If you don't focus on hunting and crafting, you will quickly cap out your wallet.

A few ways to spend your money are:

  • Buying weapons, weapon mods, and paint colors
  • Buying maps - showing you either relic locations or treasure locations (for more money)
  • Poker
  • There is an achievement/trophy for reaching a specific amount, and this may require a bunch of money if you have never played