Ubuntu 20.04 forward traffic between two interfaces (wlan0 and eth0) using NetworkManager

Running Ubuntu 20.04 on a Pi with netplan disabled and using NetworkManager only. Have wlan0 running in AP mode and an ethernet cable connected to the Pi.

I want connections made to the wifi AP on wlan0 to be able to access the internet via eth0.

I believe this would be accomplished by forwarding traffic between wlan0 and eth0.

I've tried using iptables as mentioned in many other answers, but I can't seem to get it to work. This didn't work: iptables forwarding between two interface

Is there a strictly NetworkManager way to do this?

NOTE: I've literally tried about 10 or so walkthroughs I've found online using nmcli, iptables, brctl and ip. Nothing is working. I will give somebody all of my reputation if I an answer is provided that gets this working.

Found the issue. systemd-resolved was getting in the way of DNS working properly. So I disabled systemd-resolved and all is working as expected.

Apparently systemd-resolved doesn't play nicely with Network Manager.