Using jQuery how do I select a range of rows?

Does a jQuery only solution exist for selecting a range of rows from a table?

I know eq, lt, gt exist, but I'm looking for a combination of those selectors.

Solution 1:

You can apply more than one filter at a time, although the 2nd filter applies to the results of the first, so the following would highlight starting from the 4th row (skips 0..2), and highlight for 3 rows (includes 0..2):

$('#t tr:gt(2):lt(3)').css('background-color', '#f00');

Solution 2:

Because :gt() is a jQuery extension... using :gt() cannot take advantage of the performance... For better performance in modern browsers, use $("css-selector").slice(index) instead.

Which says, it's better to use native array method slice to achieve the goal.

$('ul > li').slice(start, end).css("color", "blue")

Direct link:

Solution 3:

You could use the jQuery filter; one form of this takes a callback function as an argument — you can write any complex code in it for the selection.