Apache .htaccess - If directive to evaluate if home is the current page

This is most probably the result of a conflict with mod_dir and the DirectoryIndex. (Or a standard internal rewrite, if you are using a front-controller pattern - although that wouldn't normally apply in this instance.)

<If> expressions are merged late, after mod_dir has already rewritten the request (in the form of an internal subrequest) to the directory index document, eg. /index.html. The REQUEST_URI server variable is updated to reflect the rewritten URL-path.

So, you either need to check for the directory index document:

<If "%{REQUEST_URI} =~ m#^/index\.html$#">
   #some other rules...
   Header always set Test "It works"

OR, check against THE_REQUEST server variable instead, which contains the first line of the request headers and does not change when the request is internally rewritten.

THE_REQUEST will contain a string of the form GET / HTTP/1.1 when the homepage (/) is requested.

For example:

<If "%{THE_REQUEST} =~ m#^[A-Z]{3,7}\s/\s#">
   #some other rules...
   Header always set Test "It works"



The PassEnv directive is not required here. REQUEST_URI is already an Apache server variable and available to your script.