integrals involving minimum function

I could not compute this integral. How can we get rid of the minimum function? $$ \int_{x=0}^{t}\int_{y=0}^{t}\min(x,y)dydx $$

Thanks a lot.

To evaluate this integral, observe that $$\min\{y,x\}=\begin{cases}y, ~~\text{when}~~ y \leq x \\x, ~~\text{when} ~~x \leq y\end{cases}$$

So, $$\begin{align*}\int_o^t\int_0^t \min\{x,y\} \mathrm dy ~~\mathrm dx&=\int_0^t\left(\int_0^xy~\mathrm dy+\int_x^t x\mathrm dy\right)\mathrm d x\\&=\int_0^t\left(\dfrac{x^2}{2}+x(t-x)\right)\mathrm d x\\&=\dfrac{t^3}{6}+\dfrac{t^3}{2}-\dfrac{t^3}{3}\\&=\dfrac{t^3}{3}\end{align*}$$

How about splitting the integral into two regions, one where $x\ge y$, one where $x<y$?


Prove that $$\min \{x,y\}=\frac{x+y-\vert x-y\vert}{2}.$$