How to make gnome-terminal scroll one page when clicking on the right scrollbar?

When clicking on an area of the right scrollbar of gnome-terminal which is not the scroll bar/thumb it jumps to the relative position of the output (I enabled unlimited output).

Some applications only jump one page/viewport height up or down when clicking above the bar or below (currently only find NetBeans 8.2 output window as example) which is the behavior I'm looking for.

The scroll preferences for profiles all to hide the scrollbar, control scrolling on output or keystroke and to limit the output which doesn't match what I'm looking for.

I'm looking for this precise behavior, no workaround involving other input devices or GUI controls.

I'm using Ubuntu 18.04.

The behavior of the scrollbar is common to all GTK applications and its configuration was described here: How to fix GTK3 scrollbar behavior

Edit (or create) the file:


And add the following:

gtk-primary-button-warps-slider = false

Then restart the gnome-terminal for the change to become effective.