Printing in black and white without intermediate greys

Solution 1:

To convert easily any image in Black & White (no gray):

  • Open the file in Preview
  • Choose "Save As…" (Visible in the File menu, while holding the Alt key in Mountain Lion)
  • In the save dialog, choose the PDF file format
  • Still in the dialog, apply Quartz filter: "Black & White"

EDIT: You can convert to black & white with dithering using The Gimp (free & open-source):

  • Open the image using The Gimp
  • Select menu item Image -> Mode -> Indexed…
  • On the window that opens:

    • Select the Black & White palette
    • Select a dithering mode (I chose Floyd-Steinberg)

You can also use Photoshop using the same technique. However, Photoshop is expensive.

Finally, command-line solutions exist: convert (part of the imagemagick package), or gm (part of the graphicsmagick package).