What is the "language" of a .bat batch file on windows?

Solution 1:

A .bat file is a DOS/Windows shell script executed by the DOS/Windows command interpreter. When a batch script is saved to a .bat file, it is just called a batch file.

The language is simply batch script. It is not a high level language like C++, but a simple interpreted scripting language.

Batch files are very limited in functionality. Microsoft has released PowerShell, which is a much more powerful scripting language.

Solution 2:

Sometimes known as the MS-DOS Batch File Language, or simply batch commands: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc722477.aspx. It is merely the encapsulation (in a file) of a series of commands, most of which could also be executed on the command line itself (at the prompt, outside of the batch file).