Cant pin wine apps in latte dock
I cant pin wine apps in latte dock, Anyone knows how to get it to work? and don't ask me to switch to another dock just help me to get it fixed :) I'm in Kubuntu 18.04
Create a .desktop
file that describes your application in ~/.local/share/applications
To do that:
gedit ~/.local/share/applications/somewineappname.desktop
and enter in
[Desktop Entry]
Name=App Name
Comment=This is app
Exec=sh -c "cd /home/USER/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/APP_FOLDER; wine app.exe"
Replace Name
with your applications's name, Comment
with something describung your app APP_FOLDER
with the Program Files folder of your application app.exe
with the executable file name of your app
Drag and drop this file onto the dock and it should stay pinned