In an array of objects, fastest way to find the index of an object whose attributes match a search

Maybe you would like to use higher-order functions such as "map". Assuming you want search by 'field' attribute:

var elementPos = {return; }).indexOf(idYourAreLookingFor);
var objectFound = array[elementPos];

The simplest and easiest way to find element index in array.

ES5 syntax: [{id:1},{id:2},{id:3},{id:4}].findIndex(function(obj){return == 3})

ES6 syntax: [{id:1},{id:2},{id:3},{id:4}].findIndex(obj => == 3)

The new Array method .filter() would work well for this:

var filteredArray = array.filter(function (element) { 
    return === 0;

jQuery can also do this with .grep()

edit: it is worth mentioning that both of these functions just iterate under the hood, there won't be a noticeable performance difference between them and rolling your own filter function, but why re-invent the wheel.