Rewrite uri to remove www in nginx

I have an unknown number of domains that match a pattern like Where the number after "abc" is unknown. I thought perhaps I could use a rewrite rule with the regex ~*(www\.abc\w+)

Something like:

server_name ~*(www\.abc\w+)
rewrite ~*(www\.abc\w+)\.example\.com (abc\w+)\.example\.com;

Unfortunately, that does not seem to work, and the uri does not change. My other thoughts were perhaps attempting to set/rewrite the $uri value but I have been unsuccessful with that as well.

I am not sure if I am failing to match the uri value or failing to rewrite the uri (or both).

I was able to fine this:

if ($host ~* ^www\.(.*)) {       
set $host_without_www $1;
rewrite ^(.*) http://$host_without_www$1 permanent;

Unfortunately, that rewrites all 'www' traffic and not just www.abc123. Any help is appreciated. Thank you.

Solution 1:

Try the following approach:

server {
    server_name ~ ^www\.(?<newdomain>abc[0-9]+\.example\.com)$;

    return 301 https://$newdomain$request_uri;

This will match domains, where N is one or more digits. The regular expression will capture the part into variable $newdomain.

Then in the return statement we build the destination URL using the variable captured earlier and the URI part of the request.