In the field of design, every color has what are called tints and shades. A tint of a basic color is a lighter version of that color, and a shade is a darker version. Tone is a general term to describe the lightness or darkness (tint or shade) of a basic color.

The painting was a study done in dark tones, burnt umber and brick red, with shades of orange and olive. Here and there tints of those colors were used as accents.

  • When referring to colours, tone and shade are pretty close in meaning to me. If I were to make a difference, I'd say that shade is more about the detailed nuance of the colour, while tone can describe broader differences. If you say “various shades of blue”, you could use “tones” here (it feels less natural to me, but it works). If you say “in tones of green and red”, you couldn't substitute “shades” in that example.
  • One’s skin is light-toned, but the person is fair-complected (or fair-complexioned)

Tone and shade are two words with two different meanings. You cannot always replace tone with shade.

  1. Tone refers to musical or vocal sounds, while shade only refers to colors.

    The piano tone appears monochrome or lacking in warmth.

  2. Tone also means:

    • The normal level of firmness or slight contraction in a resting muscle
    • The general effect of color or of light and shade in a picture
    • A slight degree of difference in the intensity of a color
  3. Shade can mean:

    • Darkness and coolness caused by shelter from direct sunlight
    • A position of relative inferiority or obscurity
    • A color, especially with regard to how light or dark it is or as distinguished from one nearly like it
    • A slight degree of difference between colors

    This area will be in shade for much part of the day.

    Her elegant pink and black ensemble would put most outfits in the shade.

    Maria's eyes darkened in shade.

    Complected means having a specified complexion, where complexion means the natural color, texture, and appearance of a person's skin, especially of the face (e.g. an attractive girl with a pale complexion); differently from the other terms you listed, complected doesn't make only reference to the skin color.