how to tell a variable is iterable but not a string

Solution 1:

Use isinstance (I don't see why it's bad practice)

import types
if not isinstance(arg, types.StringTypes):

Note the use of StringTypes. It ensures that we don't forget about some obscure type of string.

On the upside, this also works for derived string classes.

class MyString(str):

isinstance(MyString("  "), types.StringTypes) # true

Also, you might want to have a look at this previous question.


NB: behavior changed in Python 3 as StringTypes and basestring are no longer defined. Depending on your needs, you can replace them in isinstance by str, or a subset tuple of (str, bytes, unicode), e.g. for Cython users. As @Theron Luhn mentionned, you can also use six.

Solution 2:

As of 2017, here is a portable solution that works with all versions of Python:

#!/usr/bin/env python
import collections
import six

def iterable(arg):
    return (
        isinstance(arg, collections.Iterable) 
        and not isinstance(arg, six.string_types)

# non-string iterables    
assert iterable(("f", "f"))    # tuple
assert iterable(["f", "f"])    # list
assert iterable(iter("ff"))    # iterator
assert iterable(range(44))     # generator
assert iterable(b"ff")         # bytes (Python 2 calls this a string)

# strings or non-iterables
assert not iterable(u"ff")     # string
assert not iterable(44)        # integer
assert not iterable(iterable)  # function

Solution 3:

Since Python 2.6, with the introduction of abstract base classes, isinstance (used on ABCs, not concrete classes) is now considered perfectly acceptable. Specifically:

from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod

class NonStringIterable:
    __metaclass__ = ABCMeta

    def __iter__(self):
        while False:
            yield None

    def __subclasshook__(cls, C):
        if cls is NonStringIterable:
            if any("__iter__" in B.__dict__ for B in C.__mro__):
                return True
        return NotImplemented

This is an exact copy (changing only the class name) of Iterable as defined in (an implementation detail of the reason this works as you wish, while collections.Iterable doesn't, is that the latter goes the extra mile to ensure strings are considered iterable, by calling Iterable.register(str) explicitly just after this class statement.

Of course it's easy to augment __subclasshook__ by returning False before the any call for other classes you want to specifically exclude from your definition.

In any case, after you have imported this new module as myiter, isinstance('ciao', myiter.NonStringIterable) will be False, and isinstance([1,2,3], myiter.NonStringIterable)will be True, just as you request -- and in Python 2.6 and later this is considered the proper way to embody such checks... define an abstract base class and check isinstance on it.

Solution 4:

I realise this is an old post but thought it was worth adding my approach for Internet posterity. The function below seems to work for me under most circumstances with both Python 2 and 3:

def is_collection(obj):
    """ Returns true for any iterable which is not a string or byte sequence.
        if isinstance(obj, unicode):
            return False
    except NameError:
    if isinstance(obj, bytes):
        return False
    except TypeError:
        return False
        hasattr(None, obj)
    except TypeError:
        return True
    return False

This checks for a non-string iterable by (mis)using the built-in hasattr which will raise a TypeError when its second argument is not a string or unicode string.

Solution 5:

By combining previous replies, I'm using:

import types
import collections


if isinstance(var, types.StringTypes ) \
    or not isinstance(var, collections.Iterable):

#[Do stuff...]

Not 100% fools proof, but if an object is not an iterable you still can let it pass and fall back to duck typing.

Edit: Python3

types.StringTypes == (str, unicode). The Phython3 equivalent is:

if isinstance(var, str ) \
    or not isinstance(var, collections.Iterable):

Edit: Python3.3

types.StringTypes == (str, unicode). The Phython3 equivalent is:

if isinstance(var, str ) \
    or not isinstance(var,