Is a Java hashmap search really O(1)?

Solution 1:

A particular feature of a HashMap is that unlike, say, balanced trees, its behavior is probabilistic. In these cases its usually most helpful to talk about complexity in terms of the probability of a worst-case event occurring would be. For a hash map, that of course is the case of a collision with respect to how full the map happens to be. A collision is pretty easy to estimate.

pcollision = n / capacity

So a hash map with even a modest number of elements is pretty likely to experience at least one collision. Big O notation allows us to do something more compelling. Observe that for any arbitrary, fixed constant k.

O(n) = O(k * n)

We can use this feature to improve the performance of the hash map. We could instead think about the probability of at most 2 collisions.

pcollision x 2 = (n / capacity)2

This is much lower. Since the cost of handling one extra collision is irrelevant to Big O performance, we've found a way to improve performance without actually changing the algorithm! We can generalzie this to

pcollision x k = (n / capacity)k

And now we can disregard some arbitrary number of collisions and end up with vanishingly tiny likelihood of more collisions than we are accounting for. You could get the probability to an arbitrarily tiny level by choosing the correct k, all without altering the actual implementation of the algorithm.

We talk about this by saying that the hash-map has O(1) access with high probability

Solution 2:

You seem to mix up worst-case behaviour with average-case (expected) runtime. The former is indeed O(n) for hash tables in general (i.e. not using a perfect hashing) but this is rarely relevant in practice.

Any dependable hash table implementation, coupled with a half decent hash, has a retrieval performance of O(1) with a very small factor (2, in fact) in the expected case, within a very narrow margin of variance.

Solution 3:

In Java, how HashMap works?

  • Using hashCode to locate the corresponding bucket [inside buckets container model].
  • Each bucket is a list (or tree starting from Java 8) of items residing in that bucket.
  • The items are scanned one by one, using equals for comparison.
  • When adding more items, the HashMap is resized once a certain load percentage is reached.

So, sometimes it will have to compare against a few items, but generally, it's much closer to O(1) than O(n).
For practical purposes, that's all you should need to know.

Solution 4:

Remember that o(1) does not mean that each lookup only examines a single item - it means that the average number of items checked remains constant w.r.t. the number of items in the container. So if it takes on average 4 comparisons to find an item in a container with 100 items, it should also take an average of 4 comparisons to find an item in a container with 10000 items, and for any other number of items (there's always a bit of variance, especially around the points at which the hash table rehashes, and when there's a very small number of items).

So collisions don't prevent the container from having o(1) operations, as long as the average number of keys per bucket remains within a fixed bound.

Solution 5:

I know this is an old question, but there's actually a new answer to it.

You're right that a hash map isn't really O(1), strictly speaking, because as the number of elements gets arbitrarily large, eventually you will not be able to search in constant time (and O-notation is defined in terms of numbers that can get arbitrarily large).

But it doesn't follow that the real time complexity is O(n)--because there's no rule that says that the buckets have to be implemented as a linear list.

In fact, Java 8 implements the buckets as TreeMaps once they exceed a threshold, which makes the actual time O(log n).