How to prevent the cron job execution, if it is already running

Solution 1:

Advisory locking is made for exactly this purpose.

You can accomplish advisory locking with flock(). Simply apply the function to a previously opened lock file to determine if another script has a lock on it.

$f = fopen('lock', 'w') or die ('Cannot create lock file');
if (flock($f, LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB)) {
    // yay

In this case I'm adding LOCK_NB to prevent the next script from waiting until the first has finished. Since you're using cron there will always be a next script.

If the current script prematurely terminates, any file locks will get released by the OS.

Solution 2:

Maybe it is better to not write code if you can configure it:

Solution 3:

flock() worked out great for me - I have a cron job with database requests scheduled every 5 minutes, so not having several running at the same time is crucial. This is what I did:

$filehandle = fopen("lock.txt", "c+");

if (flock($filehandle, LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB)) {
    // code here to start the cron job
   flock($filehandle, LOCK_UN);  // don't forget to release the lock
} else {
    // throw an exception here to stop the next cron job


In case you don't want to kill the next scheduled cron job, but simply pause it till the running one is finished, then just omit the LOCK_NB:

if (flock($filehandle, LOCK_EX)) 

Solution 4:

This is a very common problem with a very simple solution: cronjoblock a simple 8-lines shellscript wrapper applies locking using flock:

btw. cronjoblock also reverses cron's spammy emailbehaviour: only output something if stuff goes wrong. This is handy in respect to cron's MAILTO variable. The stdout/stderr output will be suppressed (so cron will not send mails) unless the given process has an exitcode > 0