openssh, permitting some users to use sftp with passwords and limited privileges

I see these immediate issues:

  • The order of directives. Try putting the Match Group sftp_users at the very end of the file /etc/ssh/sshd_server instead of a file in the sshd_server.d. This is because the last AuthenticationMethods seems to win.
  • The AuthenticationMethods should contain password. This is apparently what allows the password login.
  • When using the ChrootDirectory directive, you also have to use the following line within your Match Group sftp_users block:
    ForceCommand internal-sftp
    This is because the /sftp-incoming becomes the actual root of the file system to all commands. By default, the SSH server attempts to run a binary such as /usr/lib/openssh/sftp-server. From the perspective of the chroot'ed filesystem, there probably isn't any such file.

Potentially, you'll also have to run the following command to make sure that the /sftp-incoming directory cannot be accessed by 'other' (the last digit in the octal 0750):

chmod 0750 /sftp-incoming

As an experimental setup, I used the following Dockerfile:

FROM ubuntu

RUN apt-get update && \
    apt-get install -yq openssh-sftp-server openssh-server

# Create two users, first has no password, second has the password "1".
# This will also create the home directory for the sftp user.
RUN echo | adduser only-passwordless-user && \
    echo | adduser only-with-password-user --home /sftp-incoming/only-with-password-user && \
    echo only-with-password-user:1 | chpasswd && \
    addgroup sftp_users && \
    adduser only-with-password-user sftp_users

# These are needed so that sshd is happy. Otherwise,
# it likes to say “bad ownership or modes for chroot directory”
RUN mkdir -p -m0755 /var/run/sshd && \
    chown root:root /sftp-incoming && \
    chmod 0750 /sftp-incoming

RUN echo AuthenticationMethods publickey >> /etc/ssh/sshd_config && \
    printf "Match Group sftp_users                                \n\
            ForceCommand internal-sftp                            \n\
            X11Forwarding no                                      \n\
            AllowTcpForwarding no                                 \n\
            AuthorizedKeysCommand /bin/true                       \n\
            AuthenticationMethods keyboard-interactive password   \n\
            PasswordAuthentication yes                            \n\
            ChrootDirectory /sftp-incoming                        \n\
           " >> /etc/ssh/sshd_config  # cannot be ".d/sftp_users.conf"

# Start a single-connection debug server.
# Remove the -d parameter to make it long-lived but quiet.
ENTRYPOINT /usr/sbin/sshd -d

You can start a sshd running on port 2200 using this command:

docker build . -t ssh-test && docker run -it --name ssh-test -p2200:22 --rm ssh-test bash

To connect to it using sftp, run this:

sshpass -p1 sftp -P 2200 [email protected]