Check if Second Level Address Translation (SLAT) is installed

There are different instructions online to show that you have Second Level Address Translation (SLAT) enabled as a dependency to install WSL 2 and Docker. The simplest way is to run "systeminfo.exe" in various Windows OS versions. How can I run this command without the command prompt from closing? When I run this, a bunch of text appears really quick and exits.

Do Intel® Processors Support Second Level Address Translation (SLAT)?
- Press the Windows* key and type command prompt.
- Type systeminfo.exe.
- Check the Hyper-V Requirements section.

Also, does the "CoreInfo" program that Microsoft developed below give the exact same answer? I like to avoid installations for something as simple as this, so I'd rather not install CoreInfo.

Could you not just query WMI from powershell? All built in to the system

Get-WmiObject –Class Win32_Processor | Select-Object –property __Server, SecondLEvelAddressTranslationExtensions