Setting up an OpenVPN client to connect to the Synology diskstation VPN Server without redirecting all the traffic

I followed official Synology documentation and I created an OpenVPN Server to connect remotely to a NAS, that is in a LAN with its NAS_LOCAL_IP_ADDRESS. The VPN server configuration is like the following one:

enter image description here

Now, I'm trying to connect from my Mac via Tunnelblick following their instructions. In particular, they say:

Open the exported file openvpn.ovpn with TextEdit and replace YOUR_SERVER_IP with the public IP address of your Synology NAS. If you wish to send all traffic over VPN, remove # from #redirect-gateway def1.

enter image description here

Here is my VPNConfig.ovpn:

dev tun

remote YOUR_SERVER_IP 1194


# If you want to connect by Server's IPv6 address, you should use
# "proto udp6" in UDP mode or "proto tcp6-client" in TCP mode
proto udp

script-security 2


reneg-sec 0

cipher AES-256-CBC

auth SHA512


I do not want to reroute all the traffic to the VPN, I just wanna route requests to my NAS_LOCAL_IP_ADDRESS.

If I leave #redirect-gateway def1 commented, the VPN seems working this way. This is what I want but I cannot understand why it happens, since I've never specified the NAS_LOCAL_IP_ADDRESS anywhere in the config file.

Can you folks help me understand how things work under the hood?

Solution 1:

Most likely, you've selected the Allow clients to access server's LAN options on the NAS side.

This means that upon connecting, the server (NAS) pushes down a route like NAS_LOCAL_NETWORK is reachable via NAS_VPN_IP_ADDRESS.

So when you try to contact NAS_LOCAL_IP_ADDRESS your client identifies it as part of NAS_LOCAL_NETWORK and sends it to NAS_VPN_IP_ADDRESS. On the other end of the tunnel, your NAS knows that NAS_LOCAL_IP_ADDRESS doesn't need to be routed but is a local ip address, i.e. answers the request directly.