ETCD database cluster certificate renewal for Kubernets external database setup

I used these steps to renew the certs on kubernets cluster v1.18.6.

  1. compile the etcdadm cert branch code

    git clone -b cert
     cd  etcdadm
     docker run --rm -it -v "$PWD":/etcdadm  golang bash
     cd /etcdadm
     cp etcdadm etcdadm-cert 
  2. copy etcdadm-cert file to all three server.

  3. Renew the cert on first master

    /opt/bin/etcdadm-cert certs renew kubeadm alpha certs renew all

  4. Reboot the first master

  5. check the etcd member and kubernetes certificate expire data

Repeated step 2 to 5 on ther master nodes

use these commands to validate

/opt/bin/   member list
kubeadm alpha certs check-expiration

Thanks SR