Can I use "Windows Server Backup function" or "wbadmin" to backup MariaDB?

I am making a backup strategy for MariaDB on Windows Server.

To make my life easier, I was wondering if I can use the "Windows Server Backup function" or "wbadmin" as a backup tool for MariaDB.

You can, but I doubt it will make your life easier. wbadmin isn't a general backup tool applicable to everything, and in addition to that databases often have specially designed backup procedures. For example, wbadmin isn't inteded as a tool to backup even for Microsoft's own SQL Server.

First is to think about how you are going to restore from these backups and what else you might want to do. Then, please, read this carefully: Backup and Restore Overview.

The backup must follow this procedure:

  1. Connect to MariaDB and lock tables: FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK. Don't disconnect, this session must survive at least until step 3.
  2. Start a backup using wbadmin.
  3. When VSS service finishes making a shadow copy, you can quit session started at the step 1, releasing a lock.

Steps 1 and 3 are essential.