Libreoffice won't launch ubuntu 18.04

so I try to use libreoffice only to discover that it never started, it show the start screen for half a second and that's about it.

trying to launch it in console yield the following result

spark:~$ libreoffice
free(): invalid pointer
Application Error

I have no idea what is causing that pointer error since I did not install any addon. I'm currently trying to delete the .config for libreoffice to see of the profile is an issue.

Solution 1:

deleting the ~/.config/libreoffice did the trick

Solution 2:

I had similar problem. Writer would launch, but Calc only showed the title bar. This only worked temporarily:

cd .config/libreoffice

rm -r *

This was the fix:

sudo apt install libreoffice

I support something was amiss with the application.