PHP SimpleXML + Get Attribute

The XML I am reading looks like this:

<show id="8511">

    <name>The Big Bang Theory</name>

        <title>The Launch Acceleration</title>


To get (for example) The number of the latest episode, I would do:

$ep = $xml->latestepisode[0]->number;

This works just fine. But what would I do to get the ID from <show id="8511"> ?

I have tried something like:

$id = $xml->show;
$id = $xml->show[0];

But none worked.


My code snippet:

$url    = "".$showName;
$result = file_get_contents($url);
$xml = new SimpleXMLElement($result);

//still doesnt work
$id = $xml->show->attributes()->id;

$ep = $xml->latestepisode[0]->number;

echo ($id);

Ori. XML:

This should work.

$id = $xml["id"];

Your XML root becomes the root of the SimpleXML object; your code is calling a chid root by the name of 'show', which doesn't exist.

You can also use this link for some tutorials:

You need to use attributes

I believe this should work

$id = $xml->show->attributes()->id;

This should work. You need to use attributes with type (if sting value use (string))

$id = (string) $xml->show->attributes()->id;

Or this:

$id = strip_tags($xml->show->attributes()->id);