Intel Xeon Phi Coprocessor 7120P And HP Proliant?

Does anyone know where I could check the HP Proliant DL 380 Gen 6 and 380p Gen8 compatibility with Intel Xeon Phi Coprocessors? At first sight it seems they fit the PCI Riser. Would services like nginx, mysql and clickhouse benefit from Intel Xeon Phi Coprocessor? I run latest Ubuntu.


Intel Xeon Phi Coprocessors actually are single-board-computer, so I think they are compatible with anything providing PCI-E and adequate power/cooling. They run an embedded Linux distro, SSHable from the host.

That said, they will not do anything for apache/nginx/etc. They are almost "pure computing" device, providing dual massive FMAC/vector pipelines only useful for HPC. Their general-purpose cores are Atom-based, with performance much lower than traditional CPUs. Moreover they are EOL and unsupported by now.

So don't bother with them.