Toggle terminal between minimized and restore with hotkey

I'm recently coming from Windows, and I loved ConEmu - specifically the feature that I could switch between minimized / restored with a simple hotkey.

I'm using Tilix on 18.04, and I like Tilix, but the only way I can find to accomplish the same thing with Tilix is by using Quake mode - in Quake mode, the toggle between hidden / visible is accomplished the same way. Thing is, I don't much like Quake mode. I have two monitors, and I like to move windows to the side at my leisure.

Is there a way to toggle window between visible (not full screen) and minimized / hidden - without resorting to quake mode?

Solution 1:

There are 5 steps for this:

  1. Go to Settings > Devices > Keyboard Shortcuts

  2. Create Custom Shortcuts

    Name: Tilix
    Command: tilix --quake
    Shortcut: Ctrl + Space (Anything you prefer)

  3. sudo nano .zshrc

  4. Add following instructions there

     prompt_context() {
       if [[ "$USER" != "$DEFAULT_USER" || -n "$SSH_CLIENT" ]]; then
  5. Save and restart terminal