IPv6 Protocol failure

I am having a weird issue with IPv6 in my Windows Server 2019 Domain Controller.

I was trying to configure IPv6 for the domain, I've typed some commands as below, when I restarted the server it doesn't have IPv6 addresses anymore, despite the IPv6 protocol is selected in the network adapter setting but there is no IPv6 IPs when I type ipconfig/ all.

Commands that I typed

# Use 0x20 to prefer IPv4 over IPv6 by changing entries in the prefix policy table. 
Write-Host "Modifying IPv6 bindings to prefer IPv4 over IPv6..."
New-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip6\Parameters' -Name 'DisabledComponents' -PropertyType DWORD -Value '20' -Force | Out-Null

Set-NetIPInterface -InterfaceAlias ethernet -AddressFamily IPv6 -Advertising Enabled -AdvertiseDefaultRoute Enabled
Set-NetIPInterface -InterfaceAlias ethernet -AddressFamily IPv6 -Advertising Enabled -forwarding Enabled

Set-NetIPv6Protocol -RandomizeIdentifiers Disabled
Set-NetIPv6Protocol -UseTemporaryAddresses Disabled

netsh interface ipv6 add route 2001:a0a:501:4::/64 ethernet publish=yes

netsh interface ipv6 isatap set router
netsh interface ipv6 set interface ethernet forwarding=enabled advertise=enabled
netsh interface ipv6 add route 2001:a0a:501:4::/64 ethernet publish=yes

Netsh interface ipv6 add address ethernet 2001:db8:1:1::10

Even when I try to assign a static IP Address in the GUT it doesn't take it, and by command line it always says element not found.

The IPv6 Protocol is not working at all.

I tried all the solutions in this website but none didn't work https://blog.pcrisk.com/windows/12839-ipv6-connectivity-no-internet-access

I ran scf /scan now and there are no issues.

Tried many things and nothing is working, IPv6 protocol vanished on the server!

can anyone help me with this?


I've fixed the issue with issuing the command and restarting the server

netsh interface ipv6 reset

Thanks a lot