deleting logs in uplink

It's not different, but in both cases there is a problem.

There will be logs for connection and disconnection which are generated by users (including you), and doing a delete in log will cause the log entries for your current connection to be deleted (i.e. the connection entry and the authentication entry), however, when you disconnect, another log entry documents your disconnection.

If an administrator just sees a disconnection log, they can trace that connection (almost?) as easily as if you hadn't deleted the connection and authentication entries.

It's important that there are matching entries for connections and disconnections, therefore, you should not delete all the logs in the folder, just make sure that there will only be sets of log entries available (i.e. connection and disconnection — I tend to remove even the current authentication log entry). I'm not certain if the game knows whether two log entries actually belong to the same connection, or if it 'assumes' that you were connected the whole time.

I just checked, delete log is the same as using log deleter v1. It can be done even if you don't have a log deleter and is independent of the log deleter version you might have. I will leave @Alan's answer as accepted :)

If you delete an log file, a server admin just might notice. If you delete an entry within a log file, it's a lot harder to detect the change. Also IIRC later you get a better log entry deleter which also renumbers the logs, i.e moves the later ones back up in sequence so they aren't noticed to be missing.