I would create an automated installer using a tool like vLite. You can put in all your info and get into windows without having to do more then boot to the CD. Look at a tutorial here:


The most likely reason you have this problem is that the chipset driver database the disk has doesn't have the driver for your computer. I've run into this a few times with windows XP and I had to slipstream a driver into the package to make it work. You may not need to do that if they have the network driver. Windows 7 can contact microsoft and get updated drivers once you get into the GUI.


An alternate approach is to clear the drive completely. Either delete all partitions or write zero's to the drive by using a program like killdisk. The purpose of this is to setup a blank drive for the windows 7 install. When I was reinstalling windows after a motherboard change, I had to start with an empty drive or windows couldn't use it to install.

Once you get the windows 7 system up and running, you can then resize the partitions using something like EaseUS. You can then install Ubuntu to the newly opened up space. I'm not a linux guy so I can't really help with that spot.

So assuming that you can get a properly slipsteamed disk, you should be able to get it dropped onto the system and make it work.