Using the variable "name" doesn't work with a JS object

Solution 1: has a special purpose, and is supposed to be a string. Chrome seems to explicitly cast it to a string, so var name = {}; actually ends up giving the global variable name (i.e. a value of "[object Object]". Since it's a primitive, properties (name.FirstName) won't "stick."

To get around this issue, don't use name as a global variable.

Solution 2:

Your name variable is actually, because top-level variables declared with var are attached to the global object.

The HTML5 spec requires that is a DOMString. This means that the value of can only be a sequence of characters, not an object.

In Chrome, an attempt to use to store anything except a primitive string will coerce the value to a primitive string. For example: = {}; === "[object Object]"; // true

You can avoid this problem by using a name variable that is not in the top-level scope:

(function() {
    var name = {};
    // this `name` is not ``
    // because we're not in the top-level scope


Solution 3:

With ES6+, you could write your code as let name or const name. This won't assign it or try to override More on that here.

let name = {};
name.FirstName = 'Tom';

Solution 4: is used to set the name of the window, and since the window name can only be a string, anything you set to is converted to a string. And strings, as primitive values, cannot have properties. The solution is to use a different variable name or a different scope.

Alternatively, you can use as you like if you have this code first. I don't recommend this at all, but, just as a proof of concept:

(function () {
    var _name;
    window.__defineGetter__('name', function () {
        return _name;
    window.__defineSetter__('name', function (v) {
        _name = v;

Additionally, you should use {} in place of new Object. Besides being more concise, it is also more efficient and more explicit.