Messages won't let me sign in to iMessage

Solution 1:

How to Fix Messages

The following steps worked for me:
Update December 2016 - this happened once more - this fixed it again, so I'm even more certain of it now.

  1. Clear PRAM (NVRAM)

    Hold Cmd ⌘+Opt ⌥+P+R at the chimes until they are heard for a second time, then release

  2. Start in Safe Mode

    As soon as you hear the second chimes hold Shift ⇧ & keep holding until you see the regular startup progress thermometer

  3. Attempt to login to iMessage.

    Mine at this point appeared to fail & the iMessage login screen just went grey.
    I stared at it for 5 minutes, then rebooted.

  4. Done.

Recommended but Unsuccessful

These things were recommended elsewhere but they did not work for me:

  • Checking Firewall settings til I was blue in the face.
    It worked yesterday & still works for all other machines in the house...
  • Changing DNS provider.
  • Logging out of everything iCloud related then back in again.
  • Any amount of messing with the keychain - Repairing, Erasing[1]
  • Restoring random items in ~/Library/Preferences; including, at one point, the entire folder
  • 'Repair install' using latest Combo Update.
  • Recovering entire drive from a day-old known-good clone.
  • Reinstalling entire OS from Time Machine.

I'm copying this answer to all relevant Stack Exchange questions, in case it helps others. You would not believe the amount of chasing round I did to fix this one ;-)

[1] Many articles (& Keychain Repair itself) claim that ought to be owned by the user - in fact every time you fix that, next reboot it reverts to being owned by root.

I gave up trying to 'cure' that as it appeared to make no difference in the end.