Can you set a specific WiFi channel with an iOS/iPhone personal hotspot?

Anytime when I using my iPhone as personal WiFi HotSpot (sharing 3G internet via WiFi) the iPhone selects channel #1 for this.

Is possible to use another channel number because the channel 1 is already used by another cable modem / WiFi router and turning on (and using) the hotspot on the iPhone causes noticeable degradation of the speed on the cable-WiFi router.

So the question: Is possible somewhat enforce another WiFi channel number for the hotspot on the iPhone? (e.g. 11 or soo)

Solution 1:

No - the OS picks channels algorithmically so you get what iOS chooses each time you enable personal hot spot. I've seen personal hotspot pick channels 1, 6 and 11 on iOS 7 when in moderately busy wireless environments like this one with 26 advertising base stations (and a few hidden ones as well).

Wireless Scan

Solution 2:

Whilst you can't enforce a specific channel on iOS, it does attempt to select the best channel for the situation. I have found that a combination of standing directly next to the router and enabling/disabling Personal Hotspot until you get a channel you want seems to work well enough.

Alternatively, if you have control of the router, you could simply change the channel of the router to be 'out of the way'.

As well as this, if you have dynamic channel switching enabled on the router, turning on Personal Hotspot then standing next to the router for a bit should make the router change channel for you.