Use CouchDB with .NET

Its a late answer, but do check out Hammock. It's active and going into production use on several projects soon and is receiving regular updates and fixes. Besides basic object persistence, Hammock gives you:

  • True POCO. You don't even need an 'id' property; Hammock tracks that internally.
  • Robust support for views, including an easy to use fluent API that both generates AND executes views, and support for creating custom map/reduce views.
  • Attachments support.
  • A generic Repository<> class that helps bring your queries/views (i.e. _Design doc) together with your c# application code. Repositories are responsible for maintaining _design docs, and this helps keep CouchDB views from feeling like stored procs.
  • A full unit test suite. This is not prototype software.

Take a look at the SharpCouch utility class.

It is a simple wrapper class for the CouchDB HTTP API.

Given that you generally communicate with CouchDB over REST and JSON, I'd imagine it wouldn't be too hard to use JSON.NET and the normal WebClient/HttpWebRequest classes to do it. I haven't tried it myself, mind you...


See here for instructions on installing CouchDB on windows.

Here is a link to the getting started with C# wiki article. There is a link to a .Net wrapper in that article. It would be pretty easy to roll your own as well.

Little late to the game but there's an open source project for a new driver written in C# over the async HTTP Client and by default Newtonsoft's JSON.Net for serialization (switchable). MyCouch - Simple async CouchDb client for .Net.

A Getting started post exists here: