Which is my SQL server name for connecting to the online database by SSMS?
I created a database 'dbDemo' (MS SQL Server 2012) by Plesk on Google Cloud Platform and for connecting to this database from another local machine I changed the TCP Port 1433 on my online server using this link guidelines.
and I am able to login into my database by little admin. When I run SQL query I found below output
@@servername AS 'Server Name'
,@@servicename AS 'Instance Name'
,DB_NAME() AS 'Database Name'
,HOST_NAME() AS 'Host Name'
Instance Name: MSSQLSERVER2012
Database Name: dbDemo
and My Server IP are:
My Server IP (External): 35.240.XXX.XXX My Server IP (Internal): 10.XXX.X.X
Now I want to connect to my online database from a local remote machine by SQL Server Management studio...
The above screenshot Login and Password are correct. but I am unable to find the exact value for the server name.
I have already used the below values as a server name:
- 35.240.XXX.XXX,1433\MSSQLSERVER2012
- 35.240.XXX.XXX,1433
- 35.240.XXX.XXX
Note: I have also implement all these methods https://stackoverflow.com/questions/16088151/how-to-find-server-name-of-sql-server-management-studio
35.240.XXX.XXX is my server name and it is my external server IP.
Actually external IP address of my VM instance was not listening to port 1433
So for listening to port 1433 ... I run the below command to my VM machine's cmd.
netsh advfirewall set allprofiles state off
that's it!!!