How can I get Snow Leopard to properly reconnect to my Windows network drives after it goes to sleep?

Solution 1:

This is a known issue, and has no current hotfix or resolution. The problem is in the samba implementation.

The only thing I can think of doing is writing a script to umount your samba just before sleep, and mounting right after sleep. (Nobody has done this yet)

Most educated source on the problem I could find:

Solution 2:

I had this issue as well and found sleepwatcher to do what I need.

I found this article

I used created the main script as he has it and then another to calls this one with one line for each volume I need to mount, for example: sh ~/Scripts/ /Volumes/Music bundywhs/Music.

I don't have the username and password in it since i store it in my keychain.

One other note, his article has the sleep time set to 10 seconds in his wakeup script. That seems to work fine when I am on wireless but for me my wired network takes longer to come back so I changed it to 30 seconds.