Low disk space email alert

Very simply I am trying to trigger an email alert from a Windows 2003 server to tell me when the disk space is low.

Has anyone had experience with setting this up?

Thank you.

Solution 1:

Rather than creating an alert for just this one item you should consider setting up Nagios or similar. You can then have it monitor just about anything you like and alert you when something is outside your predefined parameters. The relatively small amount of time needed to set it up will be more than repaid by freeing you from having to manually monitor and check things.

Solution 2:

Couple of options:

a) Install a monitoring agent (e.g. nsclient++) and have a monitoring system (e.g. Nagios) monitor it and alert you when disk space is low;

b) Create a scheduled task that triggers every minute, reads the appropriate WMI counter (e.g. \\LogicalDisk(C:)\\Free Megabytes) and sends a mail using the CDO.Message WScript object (example here: http://blogs.technet.com/heyscriptingguy/archive/2004/11/29/how-can-i-attach-a-file-to-an-email-sent-using-cdo.aspx)