Get notification when NSOperationQueue finishes all tasks

Solution 1:

Use KVO to observe the operations property of your queue, then you can tell if your queue has completed by checking for [queue.operations count] == 0.

Somewhere in the file you're doing the KVO in, declare a context for KVO like this (more info):

static NSString *kQueueOperationsChanged = @"kQueueOperationsChanged";

When you setup your queue, do this:

[self.queue addObserver:self forKeyPath:@"operations" options:0 context:&kQueueOperationsChanged];

Then do this in your observeValueForKeyPath:

- (void) observeValueForKeyPath:(NSString *)keyPath ofObject:(id)object 
                         change:(NSDictionary *)change context:(void *)context
    if (object == self.queue && [keyPath isEqualToString:@"operations"] && context == &kQueueOperationsChanged) {
        if ([self.queue.operations count] == 0) {
            // Do something here when your queue has completed
            NSLog(@"queue has completed");
    else {
        [super observeValueForKeyPath:keyPath ofObject:object 
                               change:change context:context];

(This is assuming that your NSOperationQueue is in a property named queue)

At some point before your object fully deallocs (or when it stops caring about the queue state), you'll need to unregister from KVO like this:

[self.queue removeObserver:self forKeyPath:@"operations" context:&kQueueOperationsChanged];

Addendum: iOS 4.0 has an NSOperationQueue.operationCount property, which according to the docs is KVO compliant. This answer will still work in iOS 4.0 however, so it's still useful for backwards compatibility.

Solution 2:

If you are expecting (or desiring) something that matches this behavior:

t=0 add an operation to the queue.  queueucount increments to 1
t=1 add an operation to the queue.  queueucount increments to 2
t=2 add an operation to the queue.  queueucount increments to 3
t=3 operation completes, queuecount decrements to 2
t=4 operation completes, queuecount decrements to 1
t=5 operation completes, queuecount decrements to 0
<your program gets notified that all operations are completed>

You should be aware that if a number of "short" operations are being added to a queue you may see this behavior instead (because operations are started as part of being added to the queue):

t=0  add an operation to the queue.  queuecount == 1
t=1  operation completes, queuecount decrements to 0
<your program gets notified that all operations are completed>
t=2  add an operation to the queue.  queuecount == 1
t=3  operation completes, queuecount decrements to 0
<your program gets notified that all operations are completed>
t=4  add an operation to the queue.  queuecount == 1
t=5  operation completes, queuecount decrements to 0
<your program gets notified that all operations are completed>

In my project I needed to know when the last operation completed, after a large number of operations had been added to a serial NSOperationQueue (ie, maxConcurrentOperationCount=1) and only when they had all completed.

Googling I found this statement from an Apple developer in response to the question "is a serial NSoperationQueue FIFO?" --

If all operations have the same priority (which is not changed after the operation is added to a queue) and all operations are always - isReady==YES by the time they get put in the operation queue, then a serial NSOperationQueue is FIFO.

Chris Kane Cocoa Frameworks, Apple

In my case it is possible to know when the last operation was added to the queue. So after the last operation is added, I add another operation to the queue, of lower priority, which does nothing but send the notification that the queue had been emptied. Given Apple's statement, this ensures that only a single notice is sent only after all operations have been completed.

If operations are being added in a manner which doesn't allow detecting the last one, (ie, non-deterministic) then I think you have to go with the KVO approaches mentioned above, with additional guard logic added to try to detect if further operations may be added.


Solution 3:

How about adding an NSOperation that is dependent on all others so it will run last?

Solution 4:

One alternative is to use GCD. Refer to this as reference.

dispatch_queue_t queue = dispatch_get_global_queue(0,0);
dispatch_group_t group = dispatch_group_create();

 NSLog(@"Block 1");
 //run first NSOperation here

 NSLog(@"Block 2");
 //run second NSOperation here

//or from for loop
for (NSOperation *operation in operations)
      [operation start];

 NSLog(@"Final block");
 //hide progress indicator here

Solution 5:

As of iOS 13.0, the operationCount and operation properties are deprecated. It's just as simple to keep track of the number of operations in your queue yourself and fire off a Notification when they've all completed. This example works with an asynchronous subclassing of Operation too.

class MyOperationQueue: OperationQueue {
    public var numberOfOperations: Int = 0 {
        didSet {
            if numberOfOperations == 0 {
                print("All operations completed.")
       .init("OperationsCompleted"), object: nil)
    public var isEmpty: Bool {
        return numberOfOperations == 0
    override func addOperation(_ op: Operation) {
        numberOfOperations += 1
    override func addOperations(_ ops: [Operation], waitUntilFinished wait: Bool) {
        super.addOperations(ops, waitUntilFinished: wait)
        numberOfOperations += ops.count
    public func decrementOperationCount() {
        numberOfOperations -= 1

Below is a subclass of Operation for easy asynchronous operations

class AsyncOperation: Operation {
    let queue: MyOperationQueue

enum State: String {
    case Ready, Executing, Finished
    fileprivate var keyPath: String {
        return "is" + rawValue

var state = State.Ready {
    willSet {
        willChangeValue(forKey: newValue.keyPath)
        willChangeValue(forKey: state.keyPath)
    didSet {
        didChangeValue(forKey: oldValue.keyPath)
        didChangeValue(forKey: state.keyPath)
        if state == .Finished {

override var isReady: Bool {
    return super.isReady && state == .Ready

override var isExecuting: Bool {
    return state == .Executing

override var isFinished: Bool {
    return state == .Finished

override var isAsynchronous: Bool {
    return true

public init(queue: MyOperationQueue) {
    self.queue = queue

override func start() {
    if isCancelled {
        state = .Finished
    state = .Executing

override func cancel() {
    state = .Finished

override func main() {
    fatalError("Subclasses must override main without calling super.")
