How to resolve a Fresh Vcenter appliance reporting "Unable to save IP settings"

Solution 1:

This issue is a DNS problem.

While VMware currently reports Workaround: None - you can solve it by updating /etc/hosts


  • ssh as root into the vcenter appliance.
  • elevate with the shell command.
  • edit the hosts file: vi /etc/hosts
  • Add the following line, leaving any existing entries. (Where vcenter.mydomain.local matches the FQDN you assigned during setup) vcenter.mydomain.local vcenter localhost
  • To save and exit vi type :wq! and hit return.

The final file should look something like this:

# End /etc/hosts (network card version)  
# Generated by Studio VAMI service. Do not modify manually. vcenter.mydomain.local vcenter localhost  
::1 vcenter.mydomain.local vcenter localhost ipv6-localhost ipv6-loopback  

You must also update /etc/systemd/network/ to include


(You can set it back to no after advancing the wizard - no restarts required)