Can I build public cloud using bare metal servers? [closed]

Can I build a public cloud using bare metal servers, hypervisor? If not, what is the procedure to become a public cloud provider in the most cost-effective method ?

You are absolutely correct a public cloud is composed of at least one but usually a fleet of bare metal machines.

What's you need at the base is truly what sorta of cloud you are expecting to offer. Examples includes typical VPS clouds where you charge an hourly rate for the VPSes and offer "cloud" features like cloud based firewalls, load balancers, etc. Think Vultr, Linode, Digital Ocean, UpCloud, etc.

Another instance is HA Clouds, think on platforms like GCP and AWS. These is gonna be more complicated since you need to employ distributed infrastructure at every point (SANs, hypervisors, switches, etc). Since NO downtime is acceptable and you are expected to offer Service Level Agreements (SLAs) to match. In order to stand behind such offerings. You can however rack in quite a bit considering to compensate the people hours and complexity required.

If your just starting out, you might wanna pick up a hourly/daily Bare Metal Rental and toy around with a hypervisor until you get the hang of it and feel for what you wanna do from there.