How can I deploy node modules in a Meteor app on

As of Meteor 6.0, now we need to use Npm.require() instead. Additionally, we need to declare the module as global variables, since Meteor now has file-level scope.

  var path = Npm.require('path');
  var fs = Npm.require('fs');
  var base = path.resolve('.');
  var isBundle = fs.existsSync(base + '/bundle');
  var modulePath = base + (isBundle ? '/bundle/static' : '/public') + '/node_modules';
  MODULE_NAME = Npm.require(modulePath + '/MODULE_NAME'); // NOTE, this is going to be a global variable

finally, I wrote like this. it works both in local and meteor sever. thx Ian :D

install npm module inside "app/public":

    app/public# npm install MODULE_NAME

inside app/server/server.js:

Meteor.startup(function () {
    var require = __meteor_bootstrap__.require;
    var path = require('path');
    var base = path.resolve('.');
    var isBundle = path.existsSync(base + '/bundle');
    var modulePath = base + (isBundle ? '/bundle/static' : '/public') + '/node_modules';

    var MODULE_NAME = require(modulePath + '/MODULE_NAME');

Answer found from JonathanKingston on meteor irc. Referred to meteoric project

Put node modules in the projects public directory.

Use code like this to make sure it loads.

var require = __meteor_bootstrap__.require;
var path = require("path");
var fs = require('fs');
var Twit;
var twitPath = 'node_modules/twit';

var base = path.resolve('.');
if (base == '/'){
  base = path.dirname(global.require.main.filename);   

var publicPath = path.resolve(base+'/public/'+twitPath);
var staticPath = path.resolve(base+'/static/'+twitPath);

if (path.existsSync(publicPath)){
  Twit = require(publicPath);
else if (path.existsSync(staticPath)){
  Twit = require(staticPath);
  console.log('node_modules not found');

meteor deploy should work find after that, sill me for putting my node modules in the server dirs

Just spent a half hour figuring out the "install npm module inside app/public step and thought I'd save the next person some time. From your app's home directory:

cd public
mkdir node_modules
npm install foo

By default, npm install foo installs "locally," but if there's no node_modules folder in your current directory then it moves up the directory tree looking for one. I was ending up with the package installing in $HOME/node_modules/foo instead of the local project. Fine for localhost, but not so much for deployment.

(Thanks to npm install locally for solving my root problem.)

This code worked for me with meteor 0.8.x and node_modules being installed in ./public of my app:

var path = Npm.require('path')
var fs = Npm.require('fs')
var base = path.resolve('.')
var isBundle = fs.existsSync(base + '/bundle')
var modulePath = base + (isBundle ? '/bundle/static' : '/../client/app') + '/node_modules/'

var twit  = Npm.require(modulePath+'rssparser')

It may also be a good idea to create packages.json file within ./public for easier updates/installs through npm.

Long live Meteor!