How do I move my spawn point?

Solution 1:

In Minecraft Beta 1.4 and later, sleeping in a bed will set your spawn point.

On older SMP servers running Minecraft Beta 1.3, spawn points can be changed using the /setspawn command, provided the server is running any of the common mods to provide this functionality. Sometimes this command is called /sethome, and sometimes the /sethome command has a different purpose.

There is no way to set the spawn point ingame on Single Player Minecraft Alpha/Beta < 1.4. Some third party tools will change it for you however.

For Minecraft Classic, pressing Enter sets the spawn point.

Solution 2:

Simply make a bed and lay into it. If you're in multiplayer mode, you don't need to wait for all others to also get in a bed in order to sleep - laying down is enough to change your spawn point so long as your bed doesn't get destroyed.

Solution 3:

You can't do this without cheating.

If you're okay with cheating, you can use NBTEdit using this guide.

Solution 4:

The location of the spawn point can be changed if the player digs 3 spaces downwards from it. This will however only move the spawn point a few blocks away from the original location; it is not possible, using this method, to dramatically or controllably alter the location of the spawn point but there is tools that allows you to change the spawn point.
