I'm trying to remotely install a windows update .msu file on a remote computer. I ran the following command

psexec \\com-479 -s wusa \\"commonshare\updates\windows6.1-KB4088875-x86.msu" /quiet /norestart

And it seems to exit with error code 3010. I can't find any information about that code.

Specifically, the error is:

PsExec.exe : Connecting to local system...
At line:1 char:7
+ psexec <<<<  \\com-479 -s wusa \\"commonshare\updates\windows6.1-KB4088875-x86.msu"
 /quiet /norestart
    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (Connecting to local system...:String) [], RemoteException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : NativeCommandError

Starting PSEXESVC service on local system...Connecting with PsExec service on com-479...Starting wusa on com-479...
wusa exited on com-479 with error code 3010.

I found something helpful here:

What does error 3010 mean?


The requested operation is successful. Changes will not be effective until the system is rebooted.


This isn’t really an error but is just a code stating that the operation completed successfully and requires a reboot to become effective. What Switch is causing the problem? The problematic switches in many of the scripted install process are:/q, /q:a, /z, /r:n. These switches either suppress the prompt that tells the user that they need to reboot the computer for the install to finish or force the install without a reboot.