Steam browser doesn't work and games can't be installed

Solution 1:

I managed to get the download started, browser is still not working but at least it installs the game.

Following procedure:

  • Install if you haven't so far, the Linux Steam Version and make sure it works.
  • open this file with your favorite text-editor: ~/.steam/steam/config/config.vdf
  • search for "CS" and copy the entire line
  • paste the line after the line starting with "cis" in file: ~/.wine/drive_c/Program Files (x86)/Steam/config/config.vdf

    or wherever you installed steam and restart.

Solution 2:

Delete any folders to do with Steam (Make sure you press Ctrl + H to show any hidden files. Make sure you search it as well) then go to the software and type Steam install Steam not Steam Installer.