Are there any Linux MPD (music player daemon) player alternatives for a network music server / player [closed]

xmms2 is a great alternative.

From the webpage:

Client-server model

  • Allows XMMS2 to have various multiple interfaces (as clients).
    • Command line interfaces
    • GTK clients (matching GNOME & Xfce4 look and feel)
    • KDE clients (matching KDE look and feel)
  • Network transparency means you can run and control XMMS2 remotely, (e.g. run XMMS2 on your 'media box' and control it over network using a bluetooth-enabled PDA (TCP) - see Mobile platforms)

Groove Basin is a competitor to MPD. It even supports the MPD protocol in addition to its own (better) protocol. It has built-in loudness scanning, file system watching, scrobbling, Auto-DJ, tag-editing, and streaming support. It comes with a web-based interface which you can choose to use if you like (see screenshot).

Online Demo

Screenshot: Screenshot

Getting started on Ubuntu

You can install groovebasin on Ubuntu with:

sudo apt-get install groovebasin

Then create a symlink from ~/music to your own music folder:

ln -s -T $PATH_TO_OWN_MUSIC_FOLDER ~/music

Then start it:

groovebasin &

Then access it from a web browser at

I'm not recommending this, as I haven't tried it, but pita is a command-line client-server music player.

Update: According to the developer, it's meant to do much the same thing as MPD, and is not actively maintained. Also, it's Python instead of C, which is easier to extend, etc. They "definitely try to solve the same problems in much the same way".