How to properly setup runit on Ubuntu 18.04

I've successfully installed runit via apt-get (at least I got no errors)

Setting up runit (2.1.2-9.2ubuntu1) ...

However, it seems runit isn't running itself, so to speak. Following command doesn't show anything.

ps -ef | grep runsvdir

I was able to run runsvdir manually on /etc/service and it seems to work because after that inside my services supervise folder appeared. But if I try to run

sudo sv status my-service

I receive

fail: my-service: runsv not running

I use runit to manage ruby on rails and sidekiq processes. Servers are Digital Ocean droplets. I have one server using Ubuntu 16.04 (which doesn't have this problem) and Ubuntu 18.04 (which have).

The first error I got after provisioning and deploy was actually

unable to open supervise/ok: file does not exist

I am wondering if these issues connected?

  1. Failed to connect to socket /com/ubuntu/upstart: Connection refused: Errors were encountered while processing: runit
  2. Will Ubuntu 18.04 LTS still support Upstart or do we have to change to systemd?

Thank you for your time!

The runit package does not provide a systemd unit file out of the box. But there is a special package that provides it: runit-systemd.

Just install this package and runit will do its job.

sudo apt install runit-systemd